Cloistered Nun
The story of one lady who believed in Christian. When she was ordained in Christianity, I dedicated the merit to her father, did he receive it? What karmic retribution caused her to convert to Christian and later convert back to Buddhism? DMC has the answers.
Case studiesBe Good Because Of DMC
Male massage shop in Bahrain earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual. This business is in fact more than just a simple massage. There are male prostitutes. Most of the customers know about this. I ran this business without knowing its retribution. I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do via DMC.
Case studiesA Beginner In Love But This is a True Love
What fruit of merits will we receive from deciding to cast personal Dhammakaya image with our own money without hesitation, immediately? How will this merit help us in afterlife? What retribution makes people to have psychological disorder and be autistic? Here, we have answers for the story of her real life.
Case studiesFeng Shui
Karma that happens in this life is the effect from actions that we did in previous life. One of the Norway ladies was sent out to a foster home since she was 3 months old and had no chance to be close with her mom. She had to move along with her dad for 12 times until she was used to separation and lack of warmness from people of close relationship. What retribution caused her life to be like this? And, why can her daughter sense which house is livable or no?
Case studiesMixed Rice, Mummy
She was born in a wealthy family. Her husband is a Mayor and she has lovely children. Her life is not perfect, however, she has seafood allergy which leads to rheumatoid and thus she has body aches. What retributions would cause these?
Case studiesA True Buddhist
When I reviewed my notes from a sermon given by a respected senior monk during my research for this book, I incidentally came monk during my research for this book,
MeditationEmbezzling, Big Size
With the retribution of embezzling the budget for provisions in the past life, this family have to suffer in this life. Will they have a chance to recover from all these ailments? Also, In case of some serious abnormalities with the pregnancy and the doctor insists that abortion of the baby should be performed to save the mother what is the right decision to make according to the principle? Why women have different discomfort during menstruation? Here...we have the answers
Case studiesHand and Fire under water
The miracle of crystal sun occurred not only in Thailand and but also in American. What factors brought this happen? What are the retributions of killing animal? What is water sprite? DMC has the answers.
Case studiesOnce In a Man's Life
A story of one great fighter of Dhamma army. From mistaken life, associated with bad people, and drinking alcohol, he made his mother couldn’t sleep because of worrying about him. When he drank and didn’t come back home, mom cried. There were lots of moments that his life closed to death. Once he coordinated in Buddhism, I finally made up his mind to stay in monk’s suit for good. During he is a monk; he got the cancer in the stomach. But now it’s completely gone. Which retribution makes him got cancer and how could it disappear? Will it return? DMC has the answers.
Case studies